Guest Post: Wine Cocktails for Your Summer Fling Parties

Summer is in full tilt and I have teamed up with Advanced Mixology to present to you six easy to make cocktail recipes on the base of wine and sparkling wine. I hope you enjoy the read as well as the cocktails themselves:

„Wine is best drank alone; it’s what makes it special. Yet some people love to have other flavors on their wine and enjoy it better in cocktails.

Guest Post: Wine Cocktails for Your Summer Fling Parties weiterlesen

Rezept: Rhabarbermarmelade mit weißem Port

Rhabarber und Erdbeeren läuten für mich schon seit Kindertagen den Sommer ein. Und so habe ich heute ein wenig damit experimentiert. Herausgekommen sind dabei zwei leckere Marmeladen mit Portwein.

Rezept: Rhabarbermarmelade mit weißem Port weiterlesen

Two German classics // Grandmas barley-stew meets German Riesling

German Version

Good wine needs to be paired with good food. So a good wineblog needs to deal with good food from time to time I think! That’s why today I will pair two German classics: A traditional German Riesling Cabinet from the German area of Rheinhessen with grandmas barley-stew recipe. The acidity combines perfectly with the salty seasoning of the stew….

Two German classics // Grandmas barley-stew meets German Riesling weiterlesen

Mix it baby! // Make your own German Glühwein

No matter what the wheather says: In december it is time for Germans to have their weekly dose of Glühwein! A German speciality made of hot redwine, cloves, lemon and more. You can either buy it at the various christmas markets, ready made in the supermarket OR MAKE IT at home and invite your friends over for a glas or three!

Mix it baby! // Make your own German Glühwein weiterlesen