Wein selber machen(1/3)! Von der Lese zur Maische

Seit einiger Zeit bin ich stolze Besitzerin von drei Reben. Überraschenderweise bringen die drei trotz meines laienhaften Gärtnerwissens mächtigen Ertrag. Was liegt da näher als einfach mal selber Wein zu machen? Bevor man aber wirklich anfängt, muss man sich einige Materialien besorgen. Ich habe mir im Internet ein Starter-Set „Diy-wine“ gekauft. Darin ist ein 15 Liter Gärballon, ein Alkoholmessgerät…

Wein selber machen(1/3)! Von der Lese zur Maische weiterlesen

Majorcan „Sang de Bou“ // Get a refill – safe water!

It’s octobre but the sun still heats up the asphalt of Binissalem. We walk through narrow lanes. It’s midday so everything seems quite sleepy due to siesta… The big and wellknown wineries are located at the outskirts. I will go there later for sure! But apart of that I would like to see what else this town has to offer. Suddenly we stand in front of a huge open gate and look at massive wooden barrels.

Majorcan „Sang de Bou“ // Get a refill – safe water! weiterlesen

Twin wineries // Germany meets Israel

German Version

Antoine, Tell and Lennon – Three big men on one big table…

Since a few years the German VDP offers the initiative of twin wineries where German wineries look for an Israeli partner and vice versa. On this evening one of these exotic couples organized a get-together in Colognes wellknown Sterns Weinloft.

Twin wineries // Germany meets Israel weiterlesen

Mix it baby! // Make your own German Glühwein

No matter what the wheather says: In december it is time for Germans to have their weekly dose of Glühwein! A German speciality made of hot redwine, cloves, lemon and more. You can either buy it at the various christmas markets, ready made in the supermarket OR MAKE IT at home and invite your friends over for a glas or three!

Mix it baby! // Make your own German Glühwein weiterlesen